Conejo Valley Law Group is capable of serving clients throughout Southern California but focuses primarily in Westlake Village, Thousand Oaks, Agoura Hills, Oak Park, Calabasas, Newbury Park, Simi Valley, Moorpark, Camarillo, Ventura and Santa Barbara. 

If you are seeking a Ventura County attorney, please contact Conejo Valley Law Group for more information.

Working Together

Let’s Get Started

Schedule an initial consultation with Jeff by phone or e-mail. Discuss your legal goals with a licensed professional.


2945 Townsgate Rd., Ste. 200
Westlake Village, CA 91361


(805) 719-2755
About Me

Jeff provides comprehensive legal representation to both individuals and small business owners.

Jeffrey Moscot has nearly 20 years of experience sharing his legal knowledge with small and mid sized business owners in Ventura County. For personal matters, he specializes in foundational estate planning & trusts. His law practice also provides strategic transactional services on commercial & residential real estate.

What Clients Have to Say

It’s important to share feedback from valued clients.  It is my privilege to assist in your important legal matters.


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