Business Acquisitions, Sales and Mergers

At Conejo Valley Law Group, we understand that business acquisitions, sales, and mergers are pivotal moments in the lifecycle of any company. These transactions can shape the future of your business, opening new opportunities for growth and expansion. Our firm is dedicated to guiding you through these complex processes, ensuring that your interests are protected every step of the way.

With over two decades of experience in business law, our firm has successfully handled a wide range of transactions, from small business acquisitions to large-scale corporate mergers. We bring a depth of knowledge and a keen understanding of the local Conejo Valley business landscape to every case we handle.

Common Concerns During Business Transactions

  • Should you buy the assets of the business or the business entity itself?
  • Can you assume the seller’s lease and, if so, under what terms?
  • Are there any outstanding contracts or liabilities associated with the business, and will the buyer or seller be responsible for those items?
  • What is the status of the business’s employees or independent contractors? Are there any contracts or outstanding issues that need attention in this regard?

Both parties should obtain indemnities from each other to ensure that they are fully protected from the acts of each other before and after the closing these are only a few items to consider in a purchase/sale transaction. Still, they are critically important in negotiating the terms of the transaction and how the final transaction is structured.

Due Diligence

We conduct thorough investigations to uncover any potential risks or liabilities associated with the transaction. Our meticulous approach helps you make informed decisions and avoid costly surprises down the road. We investigate potential risks and liabilities, ensuring you have a complete picture before moving forward with an acquisition.

Contract Negotiation and Drafting

Our firm excels in negotiating and drafting airtight contracts that protect your interests. We ensure that all terms are clearly defined and that the agreement accurately reflects the intentions of all parties involved. Our firm can help negotiate favorable pricing structures and payment terms for your business deal. 

While drafting an agreement, we can negotiate detailed indemnification provisions to safeguard your interests in case of future claims or losses. We negotiate realistic and achievable closing conditions that align with your business goals.

Regulatory Compliance

Navigating the complex web of regulations surrounding business transactions can be daunting. We stay up-to-date with all relevant local, state, and federal laws to ensure your transaction complies with all applicable regulations.

At Conejo Valley Law Group, we believe in a personalized approach to legal services. We take the time to understand your business goals and tailor our strategies to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re a small business owner looking to sell or a large corporation considering an acquisition, we provide the same level of dedication and expertise.
We pride ourselves on our clear communication and accessibility. 

Throughout the process, we keep you informed and involved, explaining complex legal concepts in plain language and always being available to answer your questions.

Working Together

Ready to Get Started?

Schedule an initial consultation with Jeff. Discuss & evaluate your legal goals with a licensed professional.


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